
Basic Validation

All elements support validation. The default, built-in validation logic is simple: if the element is empty, it is invalid. Otherwise it is valid.

If that sounds too simple don’t worry- you can customize validation to suit your needs.

Validating an Element

>>> from flatland import String
>>> form = String()
>>> form.is_empty
>>> form.valid
>>> form.validate()
>>> form.valid

Validation sets the valid attribute of each element it inspects. validate() may be invoked more than once.

>>> form.set('Squiznart')
>>> form.is_empty
>>> form.validate()
>>> form.valid

Note that default validation does not set any error messages that might be displayed to an interactive user. Messages are easily added through custom validation.

Validating Entire Forms At Once

validate() is recursive by default. Called on a parent node, it will descend through all of its children, validating each. If the parent or any one of its children are invalid, validate returns false. Note that recursion does not stop if it finds an invalid child: all children are evaluated, and each will have its valid attribute updated.

Optional Fields

If a field is marked as optional, its elements are exempt from validation when empty. With the default validation strategy, this effectively means that element can never be invalid. With custom validation, optional fields become more useful.

>>> from flatland import Dict, Integer
>>> schema = Dict.of(Integer.named('x'),
...                  Integer.named('y'),
...                  Integer.named('z').using(optional=True))
>>> form = schema(dict(x=1))
>>> form.validate()
>>> form.valid
>>> form['x'].valid
>>> form['y'].valid
>>> form['z'].valid

Validation Signals

The flatland.signals.validator_validated signal is emitted each time a validator evaluates an element. The signal’s sender is the validator (or the symbol flatland.validation.NotEmpty for the default validation strategy). The signal also sends the element, the state, and the result of the validation function.

During development, it can be convenient to connect the validator_validated signal to a logging function to aid in debugging.

from flatland.signals import validator_validated

def monitor_validation(sender, element, state, result):
    # print or logging.debug validations as they happen:
    print "validation: %s(%s) valid == %r" % (
      sender, element.flattened_name(), result)
>>> from flatland import String
>>> form = String(name='surname')
>>> form.validate()
validation: NotEmpty(surname) valid == False

Custom Validation

The default validation support is useful for some tasks, however in many cases you will want to provide your own validation rules tailored to your schema.

Flatland provides a low level interface for custom validation logic, based on a simple callable. Also provided is a higher level, class-based interface that provides conveniences for messaging, i18n and validator reuse. A library of commonly needed validators is included.

Custom Validation Basics

To use custom validation, assign a list of one or more validators to a field’s validators attribute. Each validator will be evaluated in sequence until a validator returns false or the list of validators is exhausted. If the list is exhausted and all have returned true, the element is considered valid.

A validator is a callable of the form:

validator(element, state) → bool

element is the element being validated, and state is the value passed into validate(), which defaults to None.

A typical validator will examine the value of the element:

def no_shouting(element, state):
    """Disallow ALL CAPS TEXT."""
    if element.value.isupper():
        return False
        return True

# Try out the validator
from flatland import String
form = String(validators=[no_shouting])
form.set('OH HAI')
assert not form.validate()
assert not form.valid

Validation Phases

There are two phases when validating an element or container of elements. First, each element is visited once descending down the container, breadth-first. Then each is visited again ascending back up the container.

The simple, scalar types such as String and Integer process their validators on the descent phase. The containers, such as Form and List process validators on the ascent phase.

The upshot of the phased evaluation is that container validators fire after their children, allowing container validation logic that considers the validity and status of child elements.

>>> from flatland import Dict, String
>>> def tattle(element, state):
...     print
...     return True
>>> schema = (Dict.named('outer').
...                of(String.named('inner').
...                          using(validators=[tattle])).
...                using(validators=[tattle]))
>>> form = schema()
>>> form.validate()

Short-Circuiting Descent Validation

Descent validation can be aborted early by returning SkipAll or SkipAllFalse from a validator. Children will not be validated or have their valid attribute assigned. This capability comes in handy in a web environment when designing rich UIs.

Containers will run any validators in their descent_validators list during the descent phase. Descent validation is the only phase that may be short-circuited.

>>> from flatland import Dict, SkipAll, String
>>> def skip_children(element, state):
...     return SkipAll
>>> def always_fail(element, state):
...     return False
>>> schema = Dict.of(String.named('child').using(validators=[always_fail])).\
...               using(descent_validators=[skip_children])
>>> form = schema()
>>> form.validate()
>>> form['child'].valid


A form that fails to submit without a clear reason is frustrating. Messages may be stashed in the errors and warnings lists on elements. In your UI or template code, these can be used to flag individual form elements that failed validation and the reason(s) why.

def no_shouting(element, state):
    """Disallow ALL CAPS TEXT."""
    if element.value.isupper():
        element.errors.append("NO SHOUTING!")
        return False
        return True

See also add_error(), a wrapper around errors.append that ensures that identical messages aren’t added to an element more than once.

A powerful and i18n-capable interface to validation and messaging is available in the higher level Validation API.


If you want to tweak the element’s value or u string representation, validators are free to assign directly to those attributes. There is no special enforcement of assignment to these attributes, however the convention is to consider them immutable outside of normalizing validators.

Validation state

validate() accepts an optional state argument. state can be anything you like, such as a dictionary, an object, or a string. Whatever you choose, it will be supplied to each and every validator that’s called.

state can be a convenient way of passing transient information to validators that require additional information to make their decision. For example, in a web environment, one may need to supply the client’s IP address or the logged-in user for some validators to function.

A dictionary is a good place to start if you’re considering passing information in state. None of the validators that ship with flatland access state, so no worries about type conflicts there.

class User(object):
    """A mock website user class."""

    def check_password(self, plaintext):
        """Mock comparing a password to one stored in a database."""
        return plaintext == 'secret'

def password_validator(element, state):
    """Check that a field matches the user's current password."""
    user = state['user']
    return user.check_password(element.value)

from flatland import String
form = String(validators=[password_validator])
state = dict(user=User())
assert not form.validate(state)

Examining Other Elements

Element provides a rich API for accessing a form’s members, an element’s parents, children, etc. Writing simple validators such as requiring two fields to match is easy, and complex validations are not much harder.

def passwords_must_match(element, state):
    """Both password fields must match for a password change to succeed."""
    if element.value == element.parent.el('password2').value:
        return True
    element.errors.append("Passwords must match.")
    return False

from flatland import Form, String
class ChangePassword(Form):
    password = String.using(validators=[passwords_must_match])
    password2 = String
    new_password = String

form = ChangePassword()
form.set({'password': 'foo', 'password2': 'f00', 'new_password': 'bar'})
assert not form.validate()
assert form['password'].errors

Short-Circuiting Validation

To stop validation of an element & skip any remaining members of flatland.FieldSchema.validators, return flatland.Skip from the validator:

from flatland import Skip

def succeed_early(element, state):
    return Skip

def always_fails(element, state):
    return False

from flatland import String
form = String(validators=[succeed_early, always_fails])
assert form.validate()

Above, always_fails is never invoked.

To stop validation early with a failure, simply return False.

Validator API

The Validator class implements the validator callable interface and adds conveniences for messaging, internationalization, and customization.

To use it, subclass Validator and implement validate().

from flatland.validation import Validator

class NoShouting(Validator):
    """Disallow ALL CAPS TEXT."""

    has_shouting = "NO SHOUTING in %(label)s, please."

    def validate(self, element, state):
        if element.value.isupper():
            self.note_error(element, state, 'has_shouting')
            return False
        return True

from flatland import String

schema = String.using(validators=[NoShouting()])

Above is a Validator version of the basic custom validator example. In this version, the flatland.validation.Validator.note_error() method allows the messaging to be separated from the validation logic. note_error has some useful features, including templating and automatic I18N translation.

Customizing Validators

The base constructor of the Validator class has a twist that makes customizing existing Validators on the fly a breeze. The constructor can be passed keyword arguments matching any class attribute, and they will be overridden on the instance.

schema = String.using(validators=[NoShouting(has_shouting='shh.')])

Subclassing achieves the same effect.

class QuietPlease(NoShouting):
    has_shouting = 'shh.'

schema = String.using(validators=[QuietPlease()])

The validators that ship with Flatland place all of their messaging and as much configurable behavior as possible in class attributes to support easy customization.

Message Templating

Messages prepared by Validator.note_error() and Validator.note_warning() may be templated using keywords in the sprintf-style Python string format syntax.

Possible keys are taken from multiple sources. In order of priority:

  • Keyword arguments sent to the note_error and note_warning methods.
  • Elements of state, if state is dict-like or supports [index] access.
  • Attributes of state.
  • Attributes of the Validator instance.
  • Attributes of the element.

Message Pluralization

Flatland supports ngettext-style message pluralization. For this style, messages are specified as a 3-tuple of (singular message, plural message, n-key). n_key is any valid templating keyword, and its value n will be looked up using the same resolution rules. If the value n equals 1, the singular form will be used. Otherwise the plural.

from flatland.validation import Validator

class MinLength(Validator):

    min_length = 2

    too_short = (
      "%(label)s must be at least one character long.",
      "%(label)s must be at least %(min_length)s characters long.",

    def validate(self, element, state):
        if len(element.value) < self.min_length:
            self.note_error(element, state, "too_short")
            return False
        return True

Conditional pluralizaton functions with or without I18N configured.

Message Internationalization

Messages can be translated using gettext-compatible functions. Translation works in conjunction with message templating features: the message itself is translated, and strings substituted into the message are also translated individually.

Translation uses ugettext and optionally ungettext functions that you provide. You may place these functions in the state, place them on the element or its schema, or place them in Python’s builtins.

An element’s ancestry will be searched for these functions. If you like, you may assign them soley to the top-most element or its schema and they will be used to translate all of its child elements.

If you opt to supply ugettext but not ungettext, Flatland’s built-in pluralization will kick in if a pluralized message is found. Flatland will choose the correct form internally, and the result will be fed through ugettext for translation.

Dynamic Messages

Dynamic generated messages can also take advantage of the templating and internationalization features. There are two options for dynamic messages through Validator.note_error() and Validator.note_warning():

  1. Supply the message directly to note_error using message="..." instead of a message key.
  2. Messages looked up by key may also be callables. The callable will be invoked with element and state, and should return either a message string or a 3-tuple as described in pluralization.

The Validator Class

class Validator(**kw)

Base class for fancy validators.

expand_message(element, state, message, **extra_format_args)

Apply formatting to a validation message.

  • element – an Element instance.
  • state – an arbitrary object. Supplied by Element.validate.
  • message

    a string, 3-tuple or callable. If a 3-tuple, must be of the form (‘single form’, ‘plural form’, n_key).

    If callable, will be called with 2 positional arguments (element, state) and must return a string or 3-tuple.

  • **extra_format_args – optional. Additional data to make available to validation message string formatting.

the formatted string

See Message Templating, Message Pluralization and Message Internationalization for full information on how messages are expanded.

find_transformer(type, element, state, message)

Locate a message-transforming function, such as ugettext.

Returns None or a callable. The callable must return a message. The call signature of the callable is expected to match ugettext or ungettext:

  • If type is ‘ugettext’, the callable should take a message as a positional argument.
  • If type is ‘ungettext’, the callable should take three positional arguments: a message for the singular form, a message for the plural form, and an integer.

Subclasses may override this method to provide advanced message transformation and translation functionality, on a per-element or per-message granularity if desired.

The default implementation uses the following logic to locate a transformer:

  1. If state has an attribute or item named type, return that.
  2. If the element or any of its parents have an attribute named type, return that.
  3. If the schema of element or the schema of any of its parents have an attribute named type, return that.
  4. If type is in __builtin__, return that.
  5. Otherwise return None.
note_error(element, state, key=None, message=None, **info)

Record a validation error message on an element.

  • element – An Element instance.
  • state – an arbitrary object. Supplied by Element.validate.
  • key – semi-optional, default None. The name of a message-holding attribute on this instance. Will be used to message = getattr(self, key).
  • message – semi-optional, default None. A validation message. Use to provide a specific message rather than look one up by key.
  • **info – optional. Additional data to make available to validation message string formatting.


Either key or message is required. The message will have formatting expanded by expand_message() and be appended to element.errors.

Always returns False. This enables a convenient shorthand when writing validators:

from flatland.validation import Validator

class MyValidator(Validator):
    my_message = 'Oh noes!'

    def validate(self, element, state):
        if not element.value:
            return self.note_error(element, state, 'my_message')
            return True
note_warning(element, state, key=None, message=None, **info)

Record a validation warning message on an element.

  • element – An Element instance.
  • state – an arbitrary object. Supplied by Element.validate.
  • key – semi-optional, default None. The name of a message-holding attribute on this instance. Will be used to message = getattr(self, key).
  • message – semi-optional, default None. A validation message. Use to provide a specific message rather than look one up by key.
  • **info – optional. Additional data to make available to validation message string formatting.


Either key or message is required. The message will have formatting expanded by expand_message() and be appended to element.warnings.

Always returns False.

validate(element, state)

Validate an element returning True if valid.



True if valid

Included Validators


class Converted(**kw)

Validates that an element was converted to a Python value.


import flatland
from flatland.validation import Converted

not_bogus = Converted(incorrect='Please enter a valid date.')
schema = flatland.DateTime('when', validators=[not_bogus])


Emitted if the value is None.
class IsFalse(**kw)

Validates that a value evaluates to false.


Emitted if bool(element.value) is not False.
class IsTrue(**kw)

Validates that a value evaluates to true.


Emitted if bool(element.value) is not True.
class LengthBetween(minlength=Unspecified, maxlength=Unspecified, **kw)

Validates the length of an element’s string value is within bounds.


import flatland
from flatland.validation import LengthBetween

valid_length = LengthBetween(4, 8)
schema = flatland.String('password', validators=[valid_length])



A minimum character length for the u.

This attribute may be supplied as the first positional argument to the constructor.


A maximum character length for the u.

This attribute may be supplied as the second positional argument to the constructor.


Emitted if the length of the element’s string value is less than minlength or greater than maxlength.
class LongerThan(minlength=Unspecified, **kw)

Validates the length of an element’s string value is more than a bound.


import flatland
from flatland.validation import LongerThan

valid_length = LongerThan(4)
schema = flatland.String('password', validators=[valid_length])



A minimum character length for the u.

This attribute may be supplied as the first positional argument to the constructor.


Emitted if the length of the element’s string value falls short of minlength.
class MapEqual(*field_paths, **kw)

A general field equality validator.

Validates that two or more fields are equal.


A sequence of field names or field paths. Path names will be evaluated at validation time and relative path names are resolved relative to the element holding this validator. See ValuesEqual for an example.
A 1-arg callable, passed a Element, returning a value for equality testing.


Emitted if the transform(element) of all elements are not equal. labels will substitute to a comma-separated list of the label of all but the last element; last_label is the label of the last.
alias of ShorterThan
class Present(**kw)

Validates that a value is present.


Emitted if the u string value of the element is empty, as in the case for an HTML form submitted with an input box left blank.
class ShorterThan(maxlength=Unspecified, **kw)

Validates the length of an element’s string value is less than a bound.


import flatland
from flatland.validation import ShorterThan

valid_length = ShorterThan(8)
schema = flatland.String('password', validators=[valid_length])



A maximum character length for the u.

This attribute may be supplied as the first positional argument to the constructor.


Emitted if the length of the element’s string value exceeds maxlength.
class UnisEqual(*field_paths, **kw)

Validates that the Unicode values of multiple elements are equal.

A MapEqual that compares the u of each element.

class ValueAtLeast(minimum, **kw)

A validator that enforces a minimum value.


import flatland
from flatland.validation import ValueAtLeast

schema = flatland.Integer('wishes', validators=[ValueAtLeast(minimum=3)])


Any comparable object.


Emitted if the value is less than minimum.
class ValueAtMost(maximum, **kw)

A validator that enforces a maximum value.


import flatland
from flatland.validation import ValueAtMost

schema = flatland.Integer('wishes', validators=[ValueAtMost(maximum=3)])


Any comparable object.


Emitted if the value is greater than maximum.
class ValueBetween(minimum, maximum, **kw)

A validator that enforces minimum and maximum values.


import flatland
from flatland.validation import ValueBetween

schema = flatland.Integer('wishes',
                         validators=[ValueBetween(minimum=1, maximum=3)])


Any comparable object.
Any comparable object.
Boolean value indicating that minimum and maximum are included in the range. Defaults to True.


Emitted when inclusive is True if the expression minimum <= value <= maximum evaluates to False.
Emitted when inclusive is False if the expression minimum < value < maximum evaluates to False.
class ValueGreaterThan(boundary, **kw)

A validator that ensures that a value is greater than a limit.


import flatland
from flatland.validation import ValueGreaterThan

schema = flatland.Integer('wishes', validators=[ValueGreaterThan(boundary=4)])


Any comparable object.


Emitted if the value is greater than or equal to boundary.
class ValueIn(valid_options=Unspecified, **kw)

Validates that the value is within a set of possible values.


import flatland
from flatland.validation import ValueIn

is_yesno = ValueIn(valid_options=['yes', 'no'])
schema = flatland.String('yn', validators=[is_yesno])


A list, set, or other container of valid element values.


Emitted if the element’s value is not within the valid_options.
class ValueLessThan(boundary, **kw)

A validator that ensures that the value is less than a limit.


import flatland
from flatland.validation import ValueLessThan

schema = flatland.Integer('wishes', validators=[ValueLessThan(boundary=4)])


Any comparable object.


Emitted if the value is greater than or equal to boundary.
class ValuesEqual(*field_paths, **kw)

Validates that the values of multiple elements are equal.

A MapEqual that compares the value of each element.


import flatland
from flatland.validation import ValuesEqual

class MyForm(flatland.Form):
    password = String
    password_again = String
    validators = [ValuesEqual('password', 'password_again')]


class HasAtLeast(**kw)

A sequence validator that ensures a minimum number of members.

May be applied to a sequence type such as a List.


from flatland import List, String
from flatland.validation import HasAtLeast

schema = List.of(String.named('wish')).                    using(validators=[HasAtLeast(minimum=3)])


Any positive integer.


Emitted if the sequence contains less than minimum members. child_label will substitute the label of the child schema.
class HasAtMost(**kw)

A sequence validator that ensures a maximum number of members.

May be applied to a sequence type such as a List.


from flatland import List, String
from flatland.validation import HasAtMost

schema = List.of(String.named('wish')).                    using(validators=[HasAtMost(maximum=3)])


Any positive integer.


Emitted if the sequence contains more than maximum members. child_label will substitute the label of the child schema.
class HasBetween(**kw)

Validates that the number of members of a sequence lies within a range.

May be applied to a sequence type such as a List.


from flatland import List, String
from flatland.validation import HasBetween

schema = List.of(String.named('wish')).                    using(validators=[HasBetween(minimum=1, maximum=3)])


Any positive integer.
Any positive integer.


Emitted if the sequence contains fewer than minimum members or more than maximum members. child_label will substitute the label of the child schema.

Like range, however this message is emitted if minimum and maximum are the same.

schema = List.of(String.named('wish')).                      using(validators=[HasBetween(minimum=3, maximum=3)])
class NotDuplicated(**kw)

A sequence member validator that ensures all sibling values are unique.

Marks the second and any subsequent occurrences of a value as invalid. Only useful on immediate children of sequence fields such as flatland.List.


import flatland
from flatland.validation import NotDuplicated

validator = NotDuplicated(failure="Please enter each color only once.")
schema = List.of(String.named('favorite_color')).                    using(validators=[validator])



A callable boolean predicate, by default operator.eq. Called positionally with two arguments, element and sibling.

Can be used as a filter, for example ignoring any siblings that have been marked as “deleted” by a checkbox in a web form:

from flatland import Form, List, String, Integer, Boolean
from flatland.validation import NotDuplicated

def live_addrs(element, sibling):
    thisval, thatval = element.value, sibling.value
    # data marked as deleted is never considered a dupe
    if thisval['deleted'] or thatval['deleted']:
        return False
    # compare elements on 'street' & 'city', ignoring 'id'
    return (thisval['street'] == thatval['street'] and
            thisval['city'] == thatval['city'])

class Address(Form):
    validators = [NotDuplicated(comparator=live_addrs)]

    id = Integer.using(optional=True)
    deleted = Boolean
    street = String
    city = String

schema = List.of(Address)


Emitted on an element that has already appeared in a parent sequence. container_label will substitute the label of the container. position is the position of the element in the parent sequence, counting up from 1.
eq(a, b) – Same as a==b.



class Luhn10(**kw)
Int or Long
class NANPnpa_nxx(npa_element, nxx_element, errors_to=None, lookup='aq', method='valid_npanxx', **kw)
Validates npa and nxx compound elements.
class NANPnxx(**kw)

Email Addresses

class IsEmail(**kw)

Bases: flatland.validation.base.Validator

Validates email addresses.

The default behavior takes a very permissive stance on allowed characters in the local-part and a relatively strict stance on the domain. Given local-part@domain:

  • local-part must be present and contain at least one non-whitespace character. Any character is permitted, including international characters.
  • domain must be preset, less than 253 characters and each dot-separated component must be 63 characters or less. domain may contain non-ASCII international characters, and will be converted to IDN representation before length assertions are applied. No top level domain validations are applied.


Default True. When true, require at minimum two domain name components and reject local email addresses such as postmaster@localhost or user@workstation.
No default. If present, a compiled regular expression that will be matched to the local-part. Override this to implement more stringent checking such as RFC-compliant addresses.

Defaults to a basic domain-validating regular expression with no notion of valid top level domains. Override this to require certain TLDs (or alternately and more simply, add another validator to your chain that checks the endings of the string against your list of TLDs.)

The default pattern rejects the valid but obscure quoted IP-address form ([]).


Emitted if the email address is not valid.


class URLValidator(**kw)

Bases: flatland.validation.base.Validator

A general URL validator.

Validates that a URL is well-formed and may optionally restrict the set of valid schemes and other URL components.



Restrict URLs to just this sequence of named schemes, or allow all schemes with (‘*’,). Defaults to all schemes. Example:

allowed_schemes = ('http', 'https', 'ssh')

A sequence of 0 or more part names in urlparse‘s vocabulary:

'scheme', 'netloc', 'path', 'params', 'query', 'fragment'

Defaults to all parts allowed.

By default the urlparse module, but may be replaced by any object that implements urlparse.urlparse() and urlparse.urlunparse().


Emitted for an unparseable URL.
Emitted if the URL scheme: is not present in allowed_schemes.
Emitted if the URL has a component not present in allowed_parts.



Construct a validator.

Parameter:**kw – override any extant class attribute on this instance.
class HTTPURLValidator(**kw)

Bases: flatland.validation.base.Validator

Validates http and https URLs.

Validates that an http-like URL is well-formed and may optionally require and restrict the permissible values of its components.


A sequence of known URL parts. Defaults to the full 10-tuple of names in urlparse‘s vocabulary for http-like URls.

A mapping of part names. If value is True, the part is required. The value may also be a sequence of strings; the value of the part must be present in this collection to validate.

The default requires a scheme of ‘http’ or ‘https’.


A mapping of part names. If value is True, the part is forbidden and validation fails. The value may also be a sequence of strings; the value of the part must not be present in this collection to validate.

The default forbids username and password parts.

By default the urlparse module, but may be replaced by any object that implements urlparse.urlparse() and urlparse.urlunparse().


Emitted for an unparseable URL.
Emitted if URL is missing a part present in required_parts.
Emitted if URL contains a part present in forbidden_parts.



Construct a validator.

Parameter:**kw – override any extant class attribute on this instance.
class URLCanonicalizer(**kw)

Bases: flatland.validation.base.Validator

A URL canonicalizing validator.

Given a valid URL, re-writes it with unwanted parts removed. The default implementation drops the #fragment from the URL, if present.



A sequence of 0 or more part names in urlparse‘s vocabulary:

'scheme', 'netloc', 'path', 'params', 'query', 'fragment'
By default the urlparse module, but may be replaced by any object that implements urlparse.urlparse() and urlparse.urlunparse().


Emitted for an unparseable URL. This is impossible to hit with the Python’s standard library implementation of urlparse.



Construct a validator.

Parameter:**kw – override any extant class attribute on this instance.